Thursday, July 17, 2008

Learn about the systems approach to management in 5 minutes

Learn about the systems approach to management in 5 minutes
Q 1 How does the system approach view the organization?
Ans The system approach views the organization as a unified, purposeful system composed of interrelated parts . This way the manager can look at the organization as a whole or part of the larger outside environment. Activity of any part affects all other parts of the organization. A system can be biological.physical or social.
Q2 What are the parts which make up the whole system?
Ans Parts which make up the whole system are called Subsystems. Each system is a subsystem of a larger system .
World economy
Q 3 What is meant by synergy?
Synergy means that if all the parts are working together and with full cooperation, the output will be more than the output by each department working alone separately.
Q 4 What do you understand with by Open and Closed system?
Open system means the organization which interacts with the environment like a steel Plant. The boundary in this system must be flexible .
Closed system which the organization which does not interact with environment like any Jail. The boundary in this system is very rigid.

Q5 What is flow in a system?

The human energy, material and information enter as inputs . After the operations in the organization , they leave as goods or final products as outputs. This process is called flow in a system.

Q6 What is a procedure in a system?

The subsystems are connected to each other by Procedures. Subsystems are performing for the entire system by the various procedures laid down by the system

Q7 what is the feedback in a system?

The information during the operation is fed to the concerned men or machines. These inputs help in the correction of the procedures. All other assessment of the work are done by these Feedback.


Anonymous said...

Good good good......

Unknown said...

Woow. Fantastic.

ankur said...
